German Wasps

Removal of
Stinging Insects

All bees and wasps are beneficial - bees as pollinators and wasps and hornets capture harmful insects to feed their young. At times they do have to be relocated or removed.

Common stinging insects...

Bumble Bees are the familiar big and fuzzy bees in your garden. They are usually slow and docile, but can sting when annoyed. They may nest in the ground, in bushes or in birdhouses, and will also enter homes through small holes to nest in attics or walls. They are wonderful pollinators so DON’T KILL THEM. They can often be removed and relocated to finish their summer work elsewhere if you don’t want them in your yard.
HoneyBees in House
Honey Bees may take up permanent residence in trees, house walls, garages, sheds, etc. They can often be removed, but it is always hard work so I charge for this service.
Bald-Faced Hornets and Aerial Yellowjackets make the clasic round grey paper nests often found in trees, bushes and on buildings. The insects and their nests are put in a bucket and removed from your property.
Baldfaced Hornets Nest
German Wasp
German Wasps often enter houses through small holes and build nests inside the walls, attics, or crawl-spaces under the house. The removal of the nest and insects from your home can be easy and straight forward,or as involved as cutting a hole in your house to get at the nest.
Western Yellowjackets look very similar to aerial Yellowjackets, but they nest in the ground. They must be dug up to remove the nest.
Western Yellowjackets
Paper Wasp
Paper Wasps make an uncovered umbrella-like papercomb nest usually under the eaves, carport, patio covers or vents. They are removed in the same manner as hornets and yellowjackets.

The positive aspects of poison-free removal are:
The nests and insects are taken away from your house.